Staff Interview: Kevin Windsor, M&A Manager

January 18, 2022

We sat down with our new M&A Manger, Kevin Windsor, to get to know him a bit better. We chat about why he chose a career in Corporate Finance, his predictions for M&A in 2022 and a bit about what he enjoys doing outside of work.


1. What was your background prior to joining Bluebox as an M&A Manger?

Prior to joining Bluebox, I worked at Crowe Ireland for 7 years where I qualified as a Chartered Accountant. I initially worked within Audit & Assurance before moving internally to take up a role in the Corporate Finance team there.


2. What were your motivations behind choosing a career in Corporate Finance?

Corporate Finance is a career that constantly challenges you to develop and improve yourself. It is a career that introduces you to many interesting people who are at the forefront of their businesses. I find huge satisfaction being involved with helping my clients achieve their objectives and succeed with their ambitions.


3. What is your biggest achievement to date – personal or professional?

I think navigating the pandemic over the last two years was hugely challenging at various times and is something I will never forget. I am hugely hopeful we can now move forward with it firmly in our rear-view mirror!


4. What is the best advice you have ever received?

Always continue to grow and develop yourself.


5. What do you enjoy most about your role as a M&A Manager?

My role is very people focused. I particularly enjoy the interactions and conversations I have with clients, colleagues, and acquaintances on a daily basis.


6. What do you find are the main obstacles to watch out for that can threaten a deal, prior to closing?

We put a lot of time and attention into pre-sale planning with our clients to identify and address areas we feel might potentially impact the ability to close a deal further down the line.

Pre-signing on a deal, it is crucial to proactively recognise, manage and resolve issues that may arise during the due diligence process. Any skeletons coming out of the closet at this phase may impact the purchase price or result in unfavourable closing conditions and indemnities being sought. Managing this process effectively is key to protecting deal structures and terms agreed.

It is equally important that any closing deliverables and conditions agreed pre-close are satisfied to achieve a successful closing.


7. What is your forecast for 2022 in terms of M&A activity?

2021 represented one of the strongest years on record for M&A activity. Based on our strong pipeline, the significant amount of capital available in the market and positive market sentiment which has continued in spite of the pandemic and rising inflation – I expect M&A activity for 2022 to be exceptionally robust.


8. What would you do if you won the lottery?

I would probably focus on doing a lot of travelling, whilst more generally, I would like to put some money towards good causes and initiatives.


Rapid fire:

  1. Any hidden talents? I have only been ice skating once, but I was amazing at it!
  2. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? The ability to time travel
  3. Ketchup or Mayo? Both
  4. Favourite sport? Hurling
  5. If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be? My grandmother
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